


Founders Statement

If the past and current attitude toward the struggle against delinquency continue, the principle pillars of the republic, and the principles in which Costa Rica is admired and founded upon, will be threatened. This is the reason we our organizing a political action committee.

We our organizing a campaign to impress the importance that all local citizens should vote this next Sunday 5 of December, 2010 to elect a responsible municipal mayor. The internal legal framework has great consequences upon the overall attitude and actions of the public. If we elect a responsiible leader with great ideas and the right principles then our predicament would greatly improve.

By participating in elections we can insure that our community needs are fulfilled by our elected officials. Please support us by signing our petitions or contacting us directly.




Encourage respect and compassion among residents

• Promote a fair and effective justice system

• Develop and encourage a secure and safe costa Rica

• Provide methods to increase neighborhood empowerment
versión española © 2010 Costa Rica Political Action Committee - Designed by